Sikh Dharma of Colorado is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit religious corporation founded on September 1st, 1981 to serve and support the needs of Colorado communities, through music events (kirtan), social and spiritual gatherings, and educational events to raise awareness about Sikh Dharma. Sikh Dharma of Colorado is an affiliate of Sikh Dharma International which serves the needs of the global Sikh Sangat (community).
Sikhs do not believe in converting others, but respect all spiritual paths. All are welcome to join in Sikh services and practice. There are no distinctions made between genders, class or caste and all people are recognized as noble, dignified and creative beings. Sikh congregations everywhere participate enthusiastically in outreach activities, and generously contribute to their surrounding communities. There are 27 million Sikhs worldwide who are well known for their distinctive turbans and free kitchens. Sikhs the world over are dedicated to Seva, selfless service. Call upon any Sikh and they are duty bound to assist you.
Sikh Dharma of Colorado Board:
S.S. Pritpal Singh, President
Prabhusukh Singh PhD, Vice President
S.S. Sarb Nam Kaur Khalsa, Secretary
Har Inder Kaur, Treasurer
Sikh Dharma of Colorado Community Development Committee:
Har Inder Kaur
S.S. Sat Tara Kaur Khalsa, Community Liaison
Akbar Singh Khalsa
Contact us at (303) 530-7080
To serve people that they may experience their true divine self, their spiritual connection to their Infinite Creator, so that they can achieve fulfillment and help build a healthy, happy, and holy world.
Sikh Dharma of Colorado (SDCO) is a non-profit organization affiliated with Sikh Dharma International that serves humanity by:
• Sharing the universal teachings and lifestyle of the spiritual path of Sikh Dharma to provide a deeper understanding of Sikh history and practices, and how they are relevant in one's daily life.
• Promoting the understanding of the connection between Sikh Dharma and Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness.
• Supporting Sikh Dharma and the Kundalini Yoga communities through social and spiritual gatherings, service work in the larger community, music events (kirtan), and educational events to raise awareness about Sikh Dharma. (To support these events and program, you can give a tax-free donation by clicking the " donate" button below.)
Sikh Dharma began in India a little over 530 years ago and since then Sikhs from the Punjab region of India, who make up less than 2 percent of the population of India, have migrated throughout Europe, the Americas, and Asia, numbering about 28 million worldwide.